Our Philosophy

Our trading is centered on spanish wines that are chosen from people like you and me in their free will and with no intermediate interest that could mismacht the elected ones, these wines are a mirror of the actual spanish wine trending .

We are here to let you enjoy spanish Wines
although we will never discard a wine by its origin

With our expertise in the market, we know that these wines have been discovered from a matter of pure opportunism and human failings. They have a lot of natural strengths but we can not overlook our responsibility and our elections are free to be discuss.
We are not in the hold of an unique truth and we do not intent to have the right conviction but what is sure is that we are in favour of you loving the wine we choose for you, no matter if you are a socialist, an eco or an antigovernment, it makes no difference. We all like wine to some extend , some are more loved than others and others have more taste is a matter of people’s choices and those are always different as we are all…

We are not in the hold of an unique truth and we do not intent to have the right conviction…

Therefore our system of impartiality is designed to reflect reality and we will, at the same time, be the most credible of all possible providers of information for the consumer, who decides to trust us. We will make recommendations and supply you with this useful and so much more complete catalog of wines to choose from. We will be totally transparent.

I will always faithfully give my honest recommendation nor will fall into any cheap deal or let be chosen by any trademark that has not my criteria approval. You can trust me or not , its your free will, i will back it up with facts to make you a wineliever…. a spanish wine lover….